
The rise of e-commerce has brought with it new buying habits that physical shops must also take into account. The entire retail sector is evolving to keep pace with consumers who are increasingly connected, better informed and in search of immediacy. For store managers, it is vital to use innovative technological solutions to meet the new demands of customers. With in-store payment terminals, they have the opportunity to create attractive customer experiences and close relationships.

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Retail Iagona

Retailers : Optimise your point of sale with digital terminals


Make it easy

Save your customers time by taking care of them more quickly and efficiently.



Increase your sales volume and average basket thanks to an interactive, personalised shopping experience.



Get your message across effectively by displaying promotions and special offers on your connected screens.



Enhance your shop’s brand image by creating a modern, innovative customer experience.

Retail Iagona
Retail Iagona

Payment terminals to revolutionise your retail experience

Are you a retailer? Digital payment terminals offer a host of operational benefits to help you improve the management of your point of sale and keep your retail business in good economic health:

  • Improve your customer experience: Streamline your customers’ buying journey as part of an omnichannel approach, provide more information about your products and highlight your promotional offers.
  • Optimise your sales performance: Boost your sales by making it easier for your customers to buy your products and building their loyalty.
  • Manage your operations efficiently: Automate the most common services so that your teams can concentrate on high added-value tasks, such as customer advice.
  • Analyse data to better manage your business: Gather data that helps you to better understand how your business operates and make informed strategic decisions: shop flows, customer preferences, etc.

Interactive touch terminals to maximise the quality of retailer services

Installed as part of an omnichannel approach, digital payment terminals transform the customer experience and streamline the purchasing process. Your customers can access detailed information about your products and take advantage of your current promotions. They save time by placing their orders or making payments at your secure, connected payment terminals. As a result, you improve customer satisfaction, while making your organisation more efficient: your queues are better absorbed thanks to self-service shopping, your average basket and sales volume are boosted, your teams can concentrate on high added-value tasks, and you automatically collect valuable data to improve your processes.

Retailers: what services can your customers use on your digital kiosks?

  • Gain autonomy to be served faster.

  • Place self-service orders and payments via an integrated Eftpos terminal.

  • Consult your products and access additional information, for example on their origin or composition.

  • Check the availability of items in shop.

  • Give feedback on your products and services.

  • Develop a close relationship with your company.

  • Be entertained by events at your point of sale.

  • Receive personalised offers and promotional codes based on their shopping habits in your store.

Retail Iagona

Exploit the advantages of digital technology to make your business even more efficient

In an increasingly connected world, digital kiosks are a technological solution that is easy to install and use. They enable retailers to benefit from the operational advantages that are most decisive for their business:

  • You multiply the points of contact with your customers: Interactive kiosks require very little space to install in a point of sale. Their intuitive interface ensures easy navigation for your customers, who are now used to using interactive screens to make their purchases.
  • Reduce queues: By enabling your customers to take care of their needs immediately, self-service digital terminals allow you to better absorb flows during busy periods.You reduce customer waiting times and maximise customer satisfaction, while improving your operational efficiency and increasing your sales volume. You reduce customer waiting times and maximise customer satisfaction, while improving your operational efficiency and increasing your sales volume.
  • Gathering customer feedback: Digital kiosks allow you to record your customers’ opinions about their experience in your business/store/point of sale. You can build customer loyalty by taking their suggestions into account, and then offer them promotional deals in line with their tastes and buying habits.
  • You create a modern brand image: By installing digital kiosks in your point of sale, you modernise your brand image. Your establishment is more attractive and attracts more customers.

When you choose IAGONA in-store payment terminals, you’re choosing high-performance technology tailored to your needs. Our embedded interfaces are perfectly suited to the needs of the retail sector:

  • Create an omnichannel customer journey
  • Increase sales performance
  • Optimise operations
  • Strengthen IT security


Iagona supports you in digitalising your customer journey

We are ready to listen to your projects for the installation of interactive kiosks, to support you in your digital transformation and to advise you on how best to meet your needs!

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In-store digital payment terminals

Installing a digital payment solution makes your shop more attractive and competitive. You can offer a personalised shopping experience, create a seamless buying journey and boost the average basket.

Retail Iagona

What benefits can a digital payment terminal bring to your business?

Installing an interactive kiosk in your shop offers a number of advantages that will stimulate the development of your business:

  • Improved customer experience
  • Reducing queues
  • Gathering customer feedback
  • Improving operations
  • Promotion of offers

Is a digital payment terminal the right solution for my business?

Installing an in-store digital payment terminal is often the right solution. With it, you can improve the efficiency of your business by taking advantage of the benefits of an interactive, self-service terminal. You’ll increase customer satisfaction, optimise your resources and boost your organisational performance.

Will the digital pay station make my business more efficient?

Digital signage is a very useful tool for your shop, as it allows you to present your products and special offers to customers in an attractive and interactive way.

With digital signage, you can create visually appealing displays that can capture customers’ interest and encourage them to find out more about the products on offer. You can also present your products in an interactive and immersive way, making it easier to present technical or complex products in particular.

With the screens, you help to create a modern and pleasant atmosphere in the shop, which improves the shopping experience for customers. What’s more, highlighting special offers and promotions clearly and visibly encourages customers to buy.

Thanks to digital signage, you can easily update the information displayed, which can be particularly useful for shops that offer a wide variety of products and often need to update their offers.