MK Post
MK Post
MK Post
MK Post
MK Post
MK Post
MK Post
MK Post

MK Post

The postal self-service terminal

  • A payment terminal for postal services
  • Facilitates access to various services
  • Gives customers autonomy in sending their mail and parcels
  • Simple and intuitive to use
  • 22-inch screen for easy navigation
  • Optimised handling

Offres et services



The MK Post has an innovative design, offering trendy ergonomics while adapting to any environment.



A terminal with comprehensive functions and options, meeting all the needs of the sector, both in terms of service and payment methods.



Equipped with new materials, the bollard has an innovative, modern look that is easy on the eye.



The MK Post incorporates the latest technologies available, both in its software and in its hardware design, giving you unique performance.

Offer your customers a digital payment solution to enhance their experience at your point of sale. Iagona can help you with your project from A to Z.

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MK Post features

An innovative digital service

MK Post is a digital kiosk that allows users to order and pay for all types of postal services by card or in cash. The MK Post interface guides customers through the process of buying stamps, applying postage, weighing letters and parcels and scanning documents. A self-service postal service.
Your customers will be won over by its ease of use: intuitive selection menus, illuminated module guidance, secure payment…. As well as helping to modernise your image, MK Post is part of a process of digitalising your service offering. Customer care is optimised, queues are reduced, your staff can devote their help to more complex transactions and customer satisfaction is improved.

A combination of design and technology

The MK Post incorporates all the latest cutting-edge systems on the market, to make customer ordering a pleasant and secure experience. The 22-inch multi-touch screen makes it easy to use multiple fingers on the virtual keyboard, the scanner makes it easy to acquire documents digitally and the printers deliver stamps, stickers and payment receipts without compromise.
The machine’s airy design and soft lines make it both welcoming and distinctive. The warmth of the noble material, wood, acts as a sensory contrast to the other materials and the on-board high tech. Dress the MK Post in the colours of your post office and change its lighting at will to enjoy a 100% personalised kiosk. The MK Post has been designed and produced in France, with the option of integrating more options: a coin-operated machine for cash payment, a pin pad option for multiple browsing choices and a biometric reader for faster identification.

A terminal with multiple benefits

By equipping your establishment with a digital payment terminal like the MK Post, you’re giving your customers a terminal that meets their needs. The MK Post offers users the very best in technology. A compact kiosk that combines all the services required by a postal agency: a scale for franking mail, a printer for printing labels, an Eftpos terminal integrated into the structure for secure transactions, and a touch screen equipped with a privacy filter for greater comfort.

What’s more, your kiosk can be used as a digital communication medium when it’s not in use. Promote your new services, current offers and new tariffs to keep your customers informed and encourage them to buy.

MK Post

discover the mk post

in 3d

In the same


MK Med

MK Med

The digital admission terminal

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MK Evo

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MK Lite

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MK 3080

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MK Bis

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Office cheque scanner



Iagona supports you in digitalising your customer journey

We are here to listen to your digital signage projects, to support you in your digitalisation and advise you on the best response to your needs!

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